Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sunday, bloody sunday

Was quite an eventful day today. Not really as bloody as the title may suggest, there's been far bloodier days on Rubi-Ka, but nevertheless one to remember.

In the early morning hours (umm... well... it was 10am my time, normally unimaginably early for me to be up on a sunday - but the switch in daylight savings time made it possible :P), a bunch of Omni-Tek personnel gathered in Omni Trade and went raiding. Target for the day was Genesis, and their ql200-300 base in Eastern Foul Plains.

And, surprisingly enough really, all went well. Not even any major LD issues or other server related "added content" to it all. We came, quite many of us, we started pummeling towers and we took the site down. By the time the clan mustered any real defense, it was too late really. The clan control tower was at around 50% health, and well.. takes quite some time to remove 50+ determined players from _any_ location in the game ;-)

As retaliation, they managed to remove a lower quality base in Belial Forest, but (no offense) nothing really valuable. We'll grab it back, I trust. That, or another.

Future will tell, how this base will hold up to future retaliation strikes. Can't predict that, can only promise anyone trying - we'll be there, defending ;-)


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